CKI Bootcamps

CKI offers one- and two-day on-campus power-packed training intensives that allow learners to immerse themselves in an experience consisting of learning, hands-on application and demonstrations of signs and wonders by the Holy Spirit! Bootcamps are typically offered Thursday-Fridays or Fridays-Saturdays and are offered exclusively on CKI’s historical Alvin, TX campus. 

The following bootcamp topics are offered at CKI:

School of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the believer’s senior partner for Kingdom ministry, and without His presence and His power, the believer is powerless against the forces of evil. However, many believers fail to truly understand this third Person of the Trinity and how He can help them maximize God’s purpose for their lives as well as help them live more fulfilled lives on a day-to-day basis. This bootcamp is designed to help the learner gain greater knowledge and insights into:

  • The identity and purpose of the Holy Spirit
  • The role of the Holy Spirit in the 66 books of the Bible
  • The work of the Holy Spirit throughout the church age
  • How the Holy Spirit empowers the believer for the kingdom mission
  • How to activate and release the power of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer

This one-of-a-kind immersive experience in all things Spirit will leave learners grateful for the Person of the Holy Spirit that is at work in the church but also feeling empowered that His unlimited, miraculous power is at work in their own lives to help them maximize all that God has called them to be.

School of Signs & Wonders 1:
Signs, Wonders & Miracles

The Bible says, “And these signs shall follow them that believe,” and this bootcamp is designed to take believers from merely reading these promises to walking in them. Believers will develop greater understanding of:

  • The difference between empowering grace gifts and the gifts of the Spirit
  • How gifts function, their usage and their limitations
  • The relationship between faith, miracles, signs and wonders
  • When and why to lay hands for healing and deliverance
  • The practical steps to take when laying hands on those who need healing or deliverance

At this bootcamp, believers will gain valuable knowledge and practical hands-on experience operating in the supernatural that will leave them feeling empowered to do the “greater things” Christ promised that we should do also.

School of Signs & Wonders 2: Demonic Bondage, Oppression & Possession

As believers, we understand that “Even the demons are subject unto us in [Christ’s] name.” Yet, many believers do not know how to practically exercise this power that Christ has granted to overturn the works of the enemy in their own lives and in the lives of others. This bootcamp is designed to help believers gain greater knowledge and awareness of:

  • The spiritual reality of the demonic world and how it operates
  • How to recognize the demonic forces are at work in their lives and around them
  • The power God has granted the believer to war against the forces of darkness
  • How to stand in spiritual authority over the power of the enemy 
  • What it takes to cast out demons by the power of God

Believers will leave this bootcamp with deeper levels of insight into the spiritual world of darkness, coupled with confidence in the power of the Spirit to use them to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been oppressed by the enemy.

School of the Supernatural

This bootcamp is designed to provide individuals with a thorough understanding of the greatest reality facing the 21st Kingdom believer: the supernatural. Over the course of the 2-day sessions, believers will gain greater insights into:

  • The supernatural realities of God, Satan, and the spirit realm
  • The kingdom believer’s supernatural power on earth
  • The realm of God and the heavenly hosts, including cherubim, seraphim, and the archangels
  • The demonic realm of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of the world, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places, thrones, and dominions


This Spirit-filled, experiential bootcamp is an invaluable experience to help you understand your spirit man and your spirit reality and how they interact with both the realm of God and the realm of principalities, causing you to walk in spiritual victory rather than spiritual defeat.

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