Our Founder

Dr. Dana Carson, the Founder of Carson Kingdom Institute, is also the founder and senior pastor of the Reflections of Christ’s Kingdom World Outreach International (The R.O.C.K.) in Houston, TX. – a Bible-centered, Spirit-filled, community-building, Kingdom-minded ministry founded in 2003. Dr. Carson has more than 37 years of full-time and pastoral ministry experience. 

Dr. Carson’s call is to educate people of every age with the message of the Kingdom of God that is both exegetically sound and spiritually nourishing. His anointing represents a combination of Spirit-filled fire and formal academic training, combined with a touch of the lessons learned in the ghettos of Chicago. With this rare anointing, he touches the hearts of people from all cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds worldwide in both the classroom and the pulpit.

Renowned as a theologian, respected as an apostle, and regarded as a prophet, an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, Dr. Dana Carson is recognized as both a prominent thought leader and a master trainer in all things kingdom and Pentecostalism. He shares the fruits of his training, experience, and extensive Bible knowledge with the 100+ international church leaders for whom he serves as an apostolic covering as well as with ministry leaders who travel to his campus to sit in his classroom and glean from his profound pastoral insight and ministry experience.

Dr. Carson has a heart and passion to train and equip pastors, ministry leaders and laymen for the work of ministry. Allow him and his team to provide you with the first-rate academically astute, Pentecostalism-based kingdom training you need to elevate your kingdom knowledge!